Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Victor & Rolf - Paris Fall Winter 2011

PARISThe photo pit at lEspace Ephemere in the Tuileries, impatient with the delay at Viktor and Rolf, began singing, shouting, whistling (there was some raising of middle fingers, too)anything to spur the lights to dim and the show to start. As if to answer the photogs lewd taunts in kind, a draw bridge lowered, angry militaristic music began pumping through the tent, and red-faced models marched down the runway. It was a little scary.

I would not want to do battle against Viktor and Rolfs army of lady warriors. Their armorleather or stiff chiffon-plated dresses with shoulders that were exaggerated or cut out completely, high collars, and sharply pleated skirtslooked impenetrable and almost reptilian. Black stockings had blood red seams running up the back and the voice against the percussive soundtrack pleaded hurt over and over.

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